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AnchorPoint experienced heightened engagement with their web-users.

Anchor Point Security

AnchorPoint Used HubSpot To Move From Being 'Another Of The Players' To 'The Player'.

"For the first time in a while, our landing page was actually working for us!"

AnchorPoint came on-board with ourselves as an established network security organization who were increasingly finding that their already competitive market was being squeezed further; they needed an advantage over their competitors. They identified the need to upgrade their Content Management System and further develop their web presence. They had already acknowledged that their existing website was no longer creating significant new leads for the business. The also felt that their current online presence was inconsistent and lacked enough dynamic calls-to-action. AnchorPoint identified their needs as:

  • To develop their web presence including a new landing page, and a web-based resource centre to drive inward leads.
  • A clearer way of communicating their business message though content management and landing pages.
  • To create a sustainable plan to manage their assets though a Content Management System.

Additionally, they realized that did not have the expertise or the resources to fulfil their online potential, so in order to achieve their goals, they approached us.

We implemented HubSpot primarily so that AnchorPoint could make use of its Content Management abilities. They were able to rapidly create landing pages for lead conversion. They also used HubSpot's facilities to manage their digital assets and to create a web-based resource centre which also began to drive inbound marketing. The highlights of AnchorPoint's implementation included:

  • A fully re-designed website to to respond to the following task line items.
  • A fluid and engaging landing page to promote the company and drive customer interaction.
  • A web-based resource centre in which to promote their business, services as well as to inform, educate and engage potential customers.
  • A Content Management System from where to launch and manage their online marketing strategy.
  • Feedback from built-in analytics to ascertain those areas which were and were not working.



AnchorPoint felt that the impact and reach of their digital content was almost immediate. They began to see more visits, more leads and higher engagement to their landing page and content.

  • Their resource centre was particularly successful as it attracted viewers in more numbers and higher quality than ever before.
  • Their landing page visitor numbers increased dramatically as did lead generation through it. They also noted better quality leads than before.
  • Higher engagement with web-users through the quality and delivery of their content.

These business advantages resulted in AnchorPoint experiencing:

  • A 65% jump in organic traffic after only three months.
  • An almost 400% increase in leads within the first six months.

Our partnership with AnchorPoint demonstrates the potential of inbound marketing results can build exponentially over time.

Quick Facts

We experienced heightened engagement with our web-users.

AnchorPoint's landing page visitor numbers increased dramatically almost overnight.

Feedback allowed us to make judgements on where our marketing was working


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