Washington State University is a major land grant public university located in Pullman, Washington. Washington State University works with a number of companies in various industries to match them with potential partners in the same industry. The companies in question can be working on the following:
1. Networking
2. Investment opportunities
3. Partnerships
Washington State University acts as a mediator between the two companies.
1. Automate their HubSpot instance
a. Automate the review process for the two companies that are being matched. The current automation is via a b. connector in HubSpot which creates issues with the automation of the review process.
b. Streamline the matching process. The current process is a multi step process for matching potential business partners.
c. Automate the email creation process. The emails are sent to WSU and the companies that are matched based on the matching process.
2. Automate the Deal notification process
a. Notification when a deal is reached between two partner companies
b. Reminders of open proposals/connections for the companies
c. Map out the processes for matching and emails to improve the HubSpot capabilities for WSU
Cetrix updated WSU’s HubSpot to be responsive to their needs. WSU’s HubSpot instance was updated to do the following in a streamlined manner:
1. Improvements to the CRM functionality to meet WSU’s needs for:
a. Seeing where potential deals are in the flow.
b. See approvals for deals and add data to HubSpot for easy reference.
c. See which companies are matched up based on their data.
d. Store company information.
e. HubSpot optimization of the workflows to improve useability by WSU.
2. Enhanced automation of deal activities
a. Internal notifications of deals that have been approved by the companies.
b. Quicker alerts of deals that have been approved by the companies.
c. Alerts on outstanding matches that have had no action taken on them.
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