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Pardot Boosts Stanley Black & Decker's Market Share as Solutions Provider

Stanley Black & Decker Apply Pardot To Increase B2B Sales Through Customer-Centricity

Pardot Salesforce in Sales and Marketing

Stanley Black & Decker is a tool manufacturer, retailer and franchiser and a provider of highly-engineered solutions, storage and security.

The biggest challenge facing the 11-billion-dollar company in engaging with its end users was its inability to access the data needed to power its brand strategy.

Stanley Black & Decker needed to be able to have a single view of its sales and marketing assets to understand its customers better and engage with them across the buying cycle in a way that would support its positioning as a solutions-based provider.

Moving to Pardot by Salesforce provided Stanley Black & Decker with the 360-degree view of its sales, marketing and customer services it needed.

Stanley Black & Decker used Pardot to streamline sales and marketing processes by:

  • Collecting information about end users through the purchasing cycle
  • Generating personalized landing pages to move users into the buying cycle more quickly
  • Presenting prospects and customers with targeted messages to create demand at every stage
  • Giving the sales team visibility into the customer’s behaviour to support their conversations
  • Segmenting and filtering data to individually target users rather than using a batch email approach

Pardot enabled Stanley Black & Decker to:

  • Blur the lines between marketing and sales in creating and fulfilling demand
  • Improve understanding of individual customer behaviour and purchasing patterns 
  • Provide targeted lists and make better informed decisions
  • Personalize its conversations
  • Equip its sales team to know where to enter the conversation
  • Increase sales effectiveness by sending customer-focused content to prospects

Sales and marketing staff can focus on delivering the right message to the right customer at the right time, continuing to do that until the deal is closed.

Since implementing Pardot across their business Stanley Black & Decker has experienced:

  • An increase in market share
  • 30% reduction in the length of its industrial storage sales cycle within the first year
  • 25% reduction in the second year
  • Improved follow-up by identifying the 34% of qualified leads on their database
Pardot has given Stanley Black & Decker the ability to be more effective while putting the customer first.

Quick Facts

Stanley Black & Decker used Pardot to move users into the buying cycle more quickly and present them with targeted, personalized content.

Sales and marketing staff can focus on delivering the right message to the right customer at the right time, continuing to do that until the deal is closed.

Since implementing Pardot, Stanley Black & Decker has increased its market share and reduced its industrial storage sales cycle.


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